The Exascale Effect: the Benefits of Supercomputing Investment for U.S. Industry
By   |  October 13, 2014

Issued jointly by the US Council on Competitiveness and Intersect360 Research, this ambitious and quite exhaustive report takes a fresh look at the value of HPC to U.S. industry, key actions that would enable companies to leverage advanced computing more effectively and how American industry benefits directly and indirectly from government investment at the leading edge of HPC.

As Deborah L. Wince-Smith, the President of the CoC points out, “It is often said that information and knowledge are power. Future products, business models, industrial processes and companies are being built on the ability to collect, analyze and use data at a scale that is nearly inconceivable. Nations wishing to lead the future and enjoy more prosperous lives for their citizens must also lead in the deployment of HPC hardware, software and talent that underpin that future.

Food for thought…

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