A new Allinea tool to analyze parallel performance
By   |  December 27, 2013

Well-known in the community for its DDT debugger and MAP profiler, Allinea took advantage of SuperComputing ’13 to unveil Allinea Performance Reports, a new execution performance analysis environment tailored to parallel HPC applications. Its main objective: to determine if the codes are adapted to the hardware platforms on which they are meant to run, and to help developers identify bottlenecks and other weak spots. The good idea, here, is that the platform does not require the code to be instrumented or recompiled. For good measure, Allinea also announced the support of new targets for its suite, including Intel’s Xeon Phi and ARM’s v7 architecture through the NVIDIA CUDA 5.5 platform. Logically, CUDA 6 should follow shortly…

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