iRay VR, nVidia’s photorealistic design weapon
By   |  April 28, 2016

GTC 2016’s third major announcement was about iRay VR, which brings interactive photorealism to Virtual Reality. Iray VR capabilities will allow to create environments that let users strap on a headset and peer around photorealistic virtual environments. This new technology will allow to look around and inside a virtual car, a modern loft, or the interior of a buliding like nVidia’s still unfinished Silicon Valley campus with uncanny accuracy. Jen-Hsun then showed a headmounted display that shows NVIDIA’s new campus and building, which is in the process of being built. It will be 500,000 square feet for 2,500 employees and filled with natural light. It’s a collection of intersecting triangles that are white and off gray. In real time, Jen-Hsun showed a 3D version of the building.

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