Dassault Systèmes + Accelrys, a chemical marriage
By   |  March 12, 2014

By launching a friendly takeover bid on Accelrys, a scientific software solution publisher based in San Diego, Dassault Systems’ aim is to enrich its product lifecycle management solutions in the fields of molecular chemistry, from discovery to the production phase, in the life sciences industries, consumer products, high technology, and energy. The company is also acquiring a prestigious client portfolio consisting of the likes of Sanofi, DuPont, Unilever, and L’Oréal.

This majority stake will indeed allow Dassault to broaden the spectrum of scientific and technological fields targeted for the development of new products, from original idea to final design. Accelerys already provides PLM solutions with a software portfolio allowing scientists to access, organize, analyze, and share data in order to improve their productivity. The bid, approved by the Accelerys Board of Directors, is for all outstanding shares converted into cash for a valuation of $750 million.

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