Report a bug

You'd like to report a functional bug on the site? We have the form below for that.
If you want us to call you back, please indicate a telephone number in the relevant field.
Bug report
  • Please try to be as precise as you can (e.g. Dell OptiPlex 780, MacBook Air 5th Gen., Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 US version...), that will be of great help.
    Please try to be as precise as you can (e.g. Chrome browser version 48.0.2465.103 m US version, Windows 10 64-bits US version), that will be of great help.
  • Any details on how or when the bug appears will be very helpful for us to reproduce and correct it.
If you gave us your phone number, please allow two business days (maximum) for us to call you back.
Thank you for taking the time to report this bug.

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